Sunday, October 6th is World Communion Sunday. We invite all the Churches of the Grand River Collaboration to join us at St. Paul’s United Church for a joint service. Sunday October 6th 10:00am St. Paul’s United Church _________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity Group Tuesday October 8th 1:00pm Euchre, bridge and 5 Crowns Cost $2.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Soup Luncheon Thursday October 10th, 2024 12:00-1:00 Donations Warmly accepted but not required ALL WELCOME! ___________________________________________________________________________________ Anniversary Sunday Sunday October 20th 1840-2024 St. Paul’s Turns 184 ___________________________________________________
Masterworks Concert The Cambridge Symphony Orchestra will present a concert of Classical favourites at St. Paul's concluding with Dvořák’s timeless “New World" Symphony! Sunday October 27th 3:00pm Purchase Tickets Here: Symphony | Cambridge Orchestra | Ontario ___________________________________________________________________________
Take Out Turkey Supper Saturday November 9th Stay Tuned for Tickets and Info