St. Paul's United Church is part of the United Church of Canada
Originally this building was home to the Methodist congregation with the structure built in 1888.
This community of faith has served the area for 100 years and has grown and adapted
to our changing and growing community.
Rev. Sarah Horvath provides ministry leadership with the support of our Music Director.
Dedicated volunteers bring the work of the church to the community on a regular basis.
We strive to be a place that is physically accessible and where all are welcome
to be part of the life and work of this faith community.
Since October 2022, St. Paul's has been in worship partnership with Richwood United Church in Richwood, Ontario.
The churches have not been amalgamated, but rather the ministry staff share worship leadership responsibilities
allowing time for creative programming in other areas.
Ministries of SPUC
Women's Group (formerly UCW), Milk Bag Mat Makers, Garden Club, Activity and Friendship Clubs
Worship and Faith Formation Teams
Ministry of Music
Outreach for the community such as Soup lunches and Food Sharing
AA, NA, Pathfinders and more
Emergency Housing at St Paul's Place for refugees and others in short term need
We also support globally with our contributions to the United Church of Canada Mission and Service fund
Women's Group (formerly UCW), Milk Bag Mat Makers, Garden Club, Activity and Friendship Clubs
Worship and Faith Formation Teams
Ministry of Music
Outreach for the community such as Soup lunches and Food Sharing
AA, NA, Pathfinders and more
Emergency Housing at St Paul's Place for refugees and others in short term need
We also support globally with our contributions to the United Church of Canada Mission and Service fund